today is Nyepi Day in Bali.
what is Nyepi? This is a day of silence.
A day to look inside your own self.
A day to be at home, and don’t leave your home.
Our real home is our body, framing our self inside a bone-muscle-tissue structure.
This is a day to stay at home, and don’t leave this home.
This is a day of cleansing, of self reflection, of self consensus and awareness.
This is a day of meditation.
To feel our spirit dancing within this home, up and down and side to side.
To be aware that this spirit is there.
That we nourish it with clear mind and thoughts, with beautiful pure words and Speech, that we always act from the space of our warm heart and make good karmas.
To appreciLOVE whatever we have got-
family, friends, lovers, health, strong body, beautiful smile, knowledge, opened mind, freedom, the ability to do what we choose and desire, all those beautiful things that makes us smile, all those beautiful things that we sometimes tend to take for granted.
This is a day to set an intention, or maybe few intentions.
To wish to be stronger, freer, healthier, more aware, more conscious.
To make our environment a better place to live in.
To make another dream comes true.
enjoy the silence, take it as a lesson from an ancient beautiful tradition to always look inwards. to withdraw your senses, and listen to your own spirit, in your own home.